Carer Anxiety Program

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  • Dr Nicolene Shields
  • Video time: 6 x 90 min  
  •  Workbook Included
Course overview
We understand that caring for children with additional needs can be challenging.  Learn practical strategies for managing carer burnout and anxiety.  Our approach to understanding and treating anxiety is unique to carers needing a helping hand. This 6 Lesson Minicourse may be helpful for you if:
  1. You tend to worry about many different things to the point where you struggle to relax.
  2. You can't remember the last time you felt at peace.
  3. You snap at others.
  4. You find it difficult to get through the day without feeling anxious or overwhelmed at least twice.
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The Brainwise
Academy Method

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For Life

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Meet Dr Nicolene Shields.

Brainwise Academy is the brainchild of Aussie mum and experienced Behavioural Neuroscientist, Counsellor, Specialist Teacher, and Clinical Neuropsychotherapist Dr Nicolene Shields. 
We aim to be the go-to solution for parents and education professionals who feel overwhelmed, burnt out and are struggling to cope with daily behavioural challenges. Who simply yearn to understand their children … better.
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